Friday, January 28, 2005

"Emergency Medical Evacuation" 9,800 Miles

I took the travel insurance offer to fly me back to SF rather than continuing on to Vietnam. It was a difficult decision since there was a lot to be said for either choice.

Today I flew 9,800 miles from Mumbai to London and Mumbai to SF. Left at 2:40am, arrived at 1:30pm, same day, 13.5 timezones, more than 20 hours in the air. It wasn't an option, but if I'd flown via Bangkok, I'd have completed going round the world and it would have been only 9,700 miles.

My travels don't really end quite yet, though. I don't have a job or home to return to, and I have a few more things I need to do before I settle down. I'm staying with friends, and I'm planning to be in SF for a couple of weeks. Then visiting friends and family in Washington state as well as doing a 10-day Vipassana meditation retreat there, probably back in SF mid-March.


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